Olivier Faure calls for “going beyond the conflict” internal to the PS around the Nupes

The first secretary of the Socialist Party Olivier Faure judged on Saturday, during the party’s summer school in Blois, that the time had come to “overcome the internal conflict” concerning the new left-wing alliance Nupes, denouncing “a fight of ‘rearguard’ that is looming at the future congress. “The debate in this party (around the Nupes), was lively, how could it have been otherwise?”, admitted to the press the one who carried the will of an alliance with LFI, EELV and the PCF for the legislative elections, faced with the opposition of certain “elephants” of the party. “It is logical that the confrontation leaves traces”, but “the page must turn”, he underlined.

Cambadélis opposed to Faure

“The time has come to overcome this conflict. Some are seeking to maintain it and organize a rearguard debate in congress”, which should take place early next year, he underlined, without citing names. name.

Its opponents hostile to the agreement with LFI are beginning to gather for the future congress. The leader of the minority current, the mayor of Vaulx-en-Velin Hélène Geoffroy, confirmed that she would carry a project to “refound the party”, and will discuss “with all the sensitivities of the party” to “unify those and those who carry the same vision of a central PS”. “Could it be summed up as anything but Faure? It could”, admitted to the press the former Prime Secretary of the PS Jean-Christophe Cambadelis.

No sanction against defaulters

For Olivier Faure, “activists are in their vast majority in the idea that we must move forward in the union”. “They don’t want to know how we get out of the agreement, but how we strengthen it (…) by expanding it,” he said. “I call on us to reason. We are not opposed just out of a desire to replace this or that, but we are opposed because we have a political line,” he said. “I said which camp I belong to, it’s the left and ecology. (…) All alone, I don’t know how we go from 1.7% (score of the socialist candidate in the presidential election, editor’s note) at 51%”, he continued.

Asked about the 79 socialist dissidents, suspended for having chosen to run for the legislative elections against the candidates invested by the Nupes, he said “not to imagine that there are no sanctions at all”, while his opponents claim the end of the proceedings against them. Sanctions will be pronounced by the National Conflicts Commission.

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