Olivier Faure wants a referendum on “the continuation of nuclear power”

The first secretary of the Socialist Party considers that the subject must be the subject of a “great debate” and then of a consultation of the French.

Worn sector, shutdown reactors, corrosion… For several months, nuclear power has rarely been such a subject of debate. This is all the more the case in recent days, when France must prepare for possible power cuts this winter, for lack of a sufficiently operational network to manage future demands. In this context, the socialist Olivier Faure wants to ask the French for their opinion. The first secretary of the PS calls for a “great debate“, as well as a referendum concerning “the pursuit of nuclear power“.

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This government cannot continue to rely on previous decisions. He is fully responsible for what is happening today“, first posed the deputy. According to him, nuclear energy is today “transition energy“, and “as long as we have not reached maturity with renewable energies, we must maintain the nuclear fleet“. Without necessarily building new reactors, therefore, as Emmanuel Macron wishes.

Above all, Olivier Faure wishes to see, “in conjunction with the nuclear safety authority», «what is our ability to bridge the gap between renewables and nuclear“. And, “in these conditions, first call on the French people to decide for themselves“. While the atom has never been the subject of a national consultation, the elected representative sees a necessity in it, as these decisions “will impact (the French) for many decades“. “It’s called democracy“, he insisted again, denouncing “arbitrary choices» facts in the past.

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