Olympic Games-Paris 2024: significant traffic restrictions to be expected during competition times

Geoffrey Branger / Photo credit: MAGALI COHEN / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP

Laurent Nuñez, the Paris police chief, revealed in the columns of “Parisien” the outlines of the security system around the Paris-2024 Olympic Games, organized next summer. And while 15 million visitors are expected, you will have to register on a digital platform to travel around the capital.

Unless you are a fan of walking or cycling, traffic in Paris during the Olympic fortnight promises to be sporty. While the capital will host the Olympic Games next summer, Laurent Nuñez revealed this Wednesday in The Parisian the contours of the safety device. The Paris police chief announced in particular that it would be necessary to register on a digital platform to be able to travel.

This will work almost in the same way as the QR Code developed during the health crisis. The tool will be essential during this Olympic period in order to access the different security zones surrounding the sites. For each location, four security perimeters, ranging from simple control of cars and two-wheelers to total prohibition of access, will be established.

Active restrictions on competition times

To travel in certain areas, you will therefore have to justify your presence. The local residents concerned will therefore have to provide proof of address in the application, otherwise they will not be able to return home. In the same way, if a Parisian lives near the Seine and wishes to invite friends to follow the opening ceremony, they will have to provide the identity of their guests on the platform so that they can access the accommodation. .

These restrictions will be active during competitions. They will begin 2.5 hours before the start of the events and will end up to 1 hour later. This digital platform should be available in March or April.

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