Olympic secret revealed: Ludwig and Hausding are German flag bearers

Olympic secret revealed
Ludwig and Hausding are German standard bearers

Now it’s official: Beach volleyball Olympic champion Laura Ludwig and record European diving champion Patrick Hausding will lead the German Olympic team as the flag bearer at the opening ceremony in Tokyo. They also ensure a premiere right away.

Laura Ludwig and Patrick Hausding will lead the German Olympic team as the flag bearers to the Kasumigaoka National Stadium in Tokyo at the opening ceremony on Friday. The Olympic beach volleyball champion from Hamburg and the record European water jump champion from Berlin received the most votes in the election carried out by the German Olympic Sports Confederation with its media partners ARD, ZDF, Eurosport and “Bild”. The athletes of the German team also voted. The DOSB presented the flag bearer duo.

For the first time there are mixed flag-bearer pairs at the Olympics. With this, the International Olympic Committee wants to set an example for more gender equality. At the start of the 2016 Games in Rio, table tennis player Timo Boll led the team into the stadium.

The 35-year-old Ludwig had won Olympic gold five years ago with her partner at the time, Kira Walkenhorst. In Tokyo she starts alongside Margareta Kozuch. Hausding has been one of the world class in diving for years. The 32-year-old won silver in the synchronized jumping from the 10-meter tower in Beijing in 2008 and bronze in the individual from the 3-meter board in 2016. In a long career, this will be the last Olympic appearances for the future teacher Hausding in Tokyo.

The DOSB nominated a total of five candidates. For the women, the dressage rider Isabell Werth, gymnast Elisabeth Seitz, rower Annekathrin Thiele and tennis star Angelique Kerber were available alongside Ludwig. She canceled the Olympic start due to an injury. In addition to Hausding, table tennis player Dimitrij Ovtcharov, gymnast Andreas Toba, national hockey player Tobias Hauke ​​and rowing veteran Richard Schmidt were in the men’s race. Due to the corona pandemic, however, no spectators are allowed at the opening ceremony on Friday.
