Omikron confirms – Salzburg has new rules for meetings

What would a new Covid regulation be without new confusing rules. Although the lockdown in Salzburg is gradually being lifted, the people of Salzburg still have to adhere to additional rules when meeting friends, acquaintances and co. Meanwhile, the suspected Omikron case was confirmed in the city.

The inns are still closed, but with the opening of the shops something normal returns in Salzburg after the lockdown. Meeting friends is now also allowed again. The country has set up precise rules for this. The following applies to meetings in the future: A maximum of four people from four households are allowed to meet. Up to six children are allowed to take part. For wedding, birthday or Christmas parties, up to 25 people inside and up to 300 people outside are possible. In general, the FFP2 mask is mandatory inside, and the meetings are only allowed between 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. Since the lockdown for unvaccinated people still applies, everyone needs a 2-G certificate. Exceptions to this are, for example, funerals. The rules apply until December 21st. Experts were already very sure, but now it is fixed: In the city of Salzburg there is the first confirmed case of the new mutants Omikron. The person concerned is in quarantine.
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