on Instagram, Loana calls for solidarity with the victims

In a very personal Instagram video, Loana spoke out about domestic violence. The one who accuses her ex-companion of having hit her calls for solidarity with all the victims.

In recent weeks, many people have worried about the health of the ex-reality TV star Loana. On September 17, she revealed photographs of herself with her face, arms and legs covered with bruises, and accused her ex-boyfriend Fred cauvin for hitting her. Since then, the latter has not hesitated to speak on the subject, trying to discredit the star. On Tuesday September 22, 2020, he even appeared on the show Do not touch My TV, presented by Cyril Hanouna. Enough to provoke the anger of Internet users, outraged to see a suspected attacker on a TV set, where he also made psychophobic comments (that is to say stigmatizing towards the mental health problems from which Loana would suffer).

Following this interview, Loana wanted to speak. In a video posted to her Instagram account, she explained the importance of supporting victims of domestic violence. She also recalled that her situation was not an isolated case and gave her advice to help women who suffer from this scourge: "Please (…): do not come knock on their door when they shout. Instead, take them aside, in a discreet corner to leave them your phone number so that they can know they are have someone to call someday. "

Loana finally wished to reiterate the importance of the role of witnesses in helping victims in their efforts. Support numbers and platforms are also available if you are concerned or want to help a victim:

  • National and anonymous listening number: 39 19
  • In case of emergency: call 17 or 112
  • Online reporting: go to the platform STOP THE VIOLENCE

Why is it important to recognize the different domestic violence?

Video by Clara Poudevigne