On May 1, environmental NGOs will be in the parade

Presidential Election 2022case

The environmental associations, which want to converge the struggles, will be present in the processions this Sunday for the International Workers’ Day. The Never Again Collective calls for mass mobilization.

This May 1, environmental associations join forces with unions for a show of force in the street. Sunday in Paris, in the march organized by the inter-union, a procession will be dedicated to climate and social justice. Objective: to demand the end of “harmful neoliberal policies” and “a more social, ecological and feminist society”, writes the collective Never again that in a call for mobilization.

This alliance of unions and environmental associations launched in 2020 brings together Friends of the Earth, Attac, the Confédération paysanne, the CGT, the FSU, Greenpeace, Oxfam and Solidaires. Not everyone wants “lose five more years”. After the re-election of Emmanuel Macron, Never again denounces the upcoming pension reform and the President’s report, “responsible on the one hand for a strong increase in inequalities and on the other hand for a deadly climate inaction”. Time is running out: in its latest report, the IPCC points to the need for immediate measures to limit global warming, which has already started and harms the poorest people first and foremost.

“We expect a significant mobilization”, reports for its part the citizen movement Alternatiba, which will also be there on Sunday. This convergence is crucial. In the aftermath of the presidential election, and after having called to block the far right, environmental activists will try to relaunch the dynamics of the climate movement and seek to open up a little more to other social struggles to impose a counter – citizen power. The intention displayed by Emmanuel Macron to instruct the Prime Minister “ecological planning” is currently being viewed with suspicion. The insufficient program of the candidate makes him doubt his will to“go twice as fast in the coming five-year period”in his words, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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