On-ramp traffic – 16 kilometers of traffic jam – short blockade by climate activists – News

  • Travel traffic heading south already caused a traffic jam on Thursday morning.
  • In addition, a dozen climate activists blocked the A2 motorway between Wassen and Göschenen. After half an hour they were taken away by the police.

The traffic jam is currently 16 kilometers long and the waiting time is up to two hours and 40 minutes, as the Touring Club Switzerland (TCS) reports on the short message service X.

The standing column grew to ten kilometers shortly after 7 a.m. The vehicles were between Erstfeld and Göschenen UR.


Every year again: The sheet metal avalanche also forms in front of the Gotthard Tunnel on the ascent weekend.

BRK News

This means that the metal snake has grown by eleven kilometers within four hours. At 6 a.m., the TCS had only reported a four-kilometer traffic jam. The police advised against leaving the A2 motorway. There were also disruptions elsewhere on the road network due to the high volume of traffic on the long drive-up weekend.

Climate activists with a short blockade campaign

Around ten activists from the climate movement Renovate Switzerland briefly blocked the A2 motorway heading south near Wassen UR on Thursday afternoon. Some of them stuck to the road and the police had to remove them.

Activists block access to the Gotthard

The blockade occurred at the Dieden rest stop near Wassen, as the Uri cantonal police announced at the request of the Keystone SDA news agency. Renovate reported the action on the short message service X around 12 p.m. Two activists had stuck themselves.

According to the cantonal police, the evacuation took a short time. The emergency services also carried demonstrators away from the highway. The action did not change the existing traffic jam.

At Traffic on the Gotthard piles up endlessly several times every year and 96 percent of vehicles continue to run on fossil fuel. In the climate emergency, politicians have chosen betrayal and abandonment.

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