On the front page this Wednesday, June 8…

Trial of the attacks of November 13. Nine months to the day after the opening of the trial, the time will be for the indictment of the Advocate General from Wednesday, as part of the trial on the terrible attacks that hit the capital in 2015. Scheduled to last two days , the three Advocates General mobilized on this hearing – Nicolas Braconnay, Nicolas Le Bris and Camille Hennetier – should support and take turns in all likelihood. The verdict of the trial is expected at the end of June. Twenty people are judged, including six by default.

READ ALSOAt the November 13 trial, the tears and inconsistencies of Salah Abdeslam

War in Ukraine. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is due to meet Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Cavusoglu on Wednesday, along with a military delegation in Ankara. At the heart of the negotiations, the possibility for Ukraine, a major player in the world cereals market, to export its crops currently blocked in its ports. At the request of the United Nations, Turkey has offered to help escort maritime convoys from Ukrainian ports, despite the presence of mines, some of which have been detected near the Turkish coast.

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UK. Prime Minister Boris Johnson answers questions from Parliament this Wednesday, June 7. After months of scandal, the British Prime Minister saved his post on Monday June 6 by winning a vote of no confidence from his majority, which nevertheless dealt a severe blow to his authority. Of the 359 Conservative MPs who voted, 211 voted in favor of the Prime Minister, against 148 who refused him their confidence, ie 41% of voters: a considerable group of rebels likely to paralyze government action.

READ ALSOIn the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson remains master of time

World Ocean Day. On Wednesday June 8, the general public will once again be made aware of the protection of the oceans during a world day. Established in 1992, at the end of the Rio summit, this day aims to alert on the management of water in the oceans as well as on the resources they contain. In concrete terms, a whole series of activities will be organized in places of culture. Participants will be able to receive an “Ocean Passport” if they undertake to carry out a certain number of concrete actions, including at the domestic level, in favor of the preservation of the seas.

READ ALSOThe promises of the future “digital twin” of the ocean

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