On the web or via app: this is how travelers and commuters find carpooling

On the web or via app
This is how travelers and commuters can find carpooling

Carpooling not only saves money, it also brings strangers together.

© Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.com

Carpooling is often the cheapest alternative to other forms of transport. This is how drivers and passengers can find offers online.

On December 12th, Deutsche Bahn is increasing its prices, the price of fuel keeps climbing to new heights and many distances are too far for the bike. Fortunately, there are almost as many ridesharing providers on the Internet as there are reasons to take advantage of them. These are the most frequently used offers.


The “BlaBlaCar.de” portal operated by the French company Comuto is still the one with the largest number of users. In Germany it could still be known to some as “mitfahrgelportun.de”: until the French takeover in 2016, the offer was free of charge; since 2018, “BlaBlaCar” has charged a fee of four or six euros for weekly or monthly subscriptions. The principle, however, has hardly changed: Search for route and date via the website or the app, find an offer, make an appointment with the driver and get on board. Payment is then made in cash or by bank transfer, which is determined by the driver. However, because there is criticism of the payment system and the platform’s limited communication options, alternatives have emerged in recent years.


The most frequently used alternative to the top dog can be found by drivers and passengers at “fahrgemeinschaft.de”. The portal is free of charge via the website or app and enables uncomplicated contact between driver and passenger, who define the modalities with one another. All you need to do is register. “fahrgemeinschaft.de” also operates the portals “ADAC-Mitfahrclub.de” and “Pendlernetz.de”, the advertisements are also placed on the pages “fahrtfinder.net”, “riderunner.de” and “mitfahren.de”.


Passengers can travel entirely free of charge with “BesserMitfahren.de”. Under the “100% free” tab, you can even find advertisements from people who offer space in their car without asking for money. In order to be able to use the offer, registration is not even necessary – drivers can create their offer with just a few clicks, and passengers can find their way around just as easily. “BesserMitfahren.de” is available via the browser or as an app.


“Mitfahren.de” cooperates with “BlaBlaCar”, so users will only find their car offers from A to B. There are also bus trips from Flixbus / MeinFernbus and Deutsche Bahn. In this way, those wishing to travel can see the cheapest alternatives for a certain route at a glance. For example, if you want to use a group ticket for the railways, you can make an appointment in advance via the “Mitfahren.de” website or app and take advantage of the cheaper group offers on the railways.


The German IT giant SAP initially operated the “TwoGo” platform internally in order to provide its employees with a car pooling tool. Since 2014, private individuals have also been able to use the free offer. The special feature: after users have set their travel preferences, the cloud-based system automatically connects drivers and passengers to one another. This means there is no need for a personal mediation. If the system does not find the right trip, it suggests alternatives, for example from the neighboring town. “TwoGo” is available via the browser and as an app.


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