On YouTube, a little philosophy of spring cleaning

SGrab the dusters, brushes, detergents: it’s time for big spring cleaning. Let’s make things clear right away: no one is going to force you to track down the slightest dust, you don’t even have to put your feet up for someone to vacuum. Sit quietly, this time it’s about watching others do it. Indeed, on YouTube, cleaning is a spectacle. A genre in itself, with its multiple subcategories.

So as not to get bogged down with subtleties around notions as subjective and cultural as clean and dirty (where does the latter begin, where does the first end? Are we not constantly between the two? Is an eternal middle conceivable? ?), and to maximize showmanship, most cleaning channels have found nothing more effective than starting from a state extremely far along the continuum between immaculate and filthy. The stronger the contrast between before and after, the more satisfying the effect will be.

So the chain Change Cleaning Services which baits with specially earthy mats. In this case, a 65-year-old Persian model, unwashed for half a century, proclaims the title of the video. We learned that the object was stored in a warehouse that had flooded several times. The scene therefore opens like an abstraction: brown rectangle on a white background.

The weaving is in such a state that we no longer know which way to take the thing. Where do you start when you have to clean the Augean stables? Big water, of course. We can also assume the use of some chemicals which justify the operator’s gloves. But it is essentially the enthusiasm and patience of our cleaning agent who will achieve, before our eyes, a small miracle of restoration. Let us also not forget the famous high-pressure cleaner, with which a former Minister of the Interior once proposed to free certain working-class neighborhoods from delinquency and crime, and which here finds its original vocation.

Go back in time

Quickly, repetitive patterns hypnotize. The squeegee glides, the dark drips, the swirls of the single-brush machine. While gradually the rejects lighten, going from brown to beige, then to milky, as the symmetrical design of the carpet reappears.

As one of the commenters on the video acknowledges: “I can’t believe I just watched a guy clean a carpet for twenty minutes and had fun. » But isn’t there more than just pleasure to be found in the art of cleaning?

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