Oncologist visited him 35 times: does Putin have cancer?

Oncologist visited him 35 times
Does Putin have cancer?

Speculations about the state of health of the Russian President keep coming up. An investigative team discovers evidence of possible cancer. Accordingly, an oncologist examined Putin 35 times in four years. In addition, the Kremlin boss is said to be interested in alternative medicine.

What is the state of health of Russian President Vladimir Putin? The Russian investigative group “Proekt” has details released, which indicate a possible cancer. According to this, the Kremlin boss was visited 35 times in four years by a cancer surgeon at his residence on the Black Sea, like the British Times quoted from the research.

Putin, who will turn 70 in October, is said to be accompanied by a brigade of doctors, including Yevgeny Zelivanov, a thyroid cancer specialist. According to the investigation, Selivanov is said to have visited the Russian head of state for a total of 166 days between 2016 and 2020 while he was in Sochi.

Investigative journalists uncovered the details of Putin’s alleged medical treatment by examining publicly available government procurement documents. These show which doctors at the presidential clinic in Moscow were staying in four different hotels in Sochi at the time when Putin was either on an official visit to the city or when he disappeared from public view, writes The Times.

The journalists of “Proekt” found out that a team of doctors always arrived in the city just before the head of the Kremlin. Occasionally the number of participants “increased dramatically”. According to the research, in two cases in 2016 and 2019 there was strong evidence that Putin had undergone an operation or major intervention, most likely on his back. The first case occurred at a time when the Kremlin boss disappeared from public view for five days. Previously there had been rumors of a riding accident, which apparently left Putin limping. In the second case, according to Proekt, the president was accompanied by an average of nine doctors during his visits to Sochi.

Baths in the blood of deer antlers

Over a period of three months, three doctors regularly belonged to the team: two ENT doctors and Selivanov, the “Times” further quoted from the research. One of the ENT doctors apparently paid Putin 59 visits from 2016 to 2019, staying a total of 282 days.

The investigative team also claims to have discovered that Putin turned to alternative medicine. Accordingly, he bathes in blood obtained from severed deer antlers. “Proekt” quoted an “acquaintance of the head of state” as saying that the president indulged in the “antler blood bath” during a visit to the Altai region, although he was told that it had no proven effect. The ritual involves cutting off deer antlers to collect blood, which is believed to give strength and slow the aging process when bathed or ingested.

In the past, references to illnesses or medical interventions in the Russian president kept coming up. However, the Kremlin has always denied reports of Putin’s poor health, the Times continues. Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in 2020 that the president’s health was “excellent”. Since Putin came to power in 2000 at the age of 47, the Kremlin has been trying to paint as vital a picture of the president as possible – also because his predecessor Boris Yeltsin had an obvious alcohol problem and also a heart condition. The Kremlin repeatedly circulated pictures of Putin showing him doing judo, fishing or horseback riding shirtless.

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