One in ten women in cybersecurity: an “incredible” bias, according to Anssi

According to the general manager, Guillaume Poupard, “it’s a job that really doesn’t need to be gendered”.

The presence of only 11% of women among those working in cybersecurity in France constitutes a “absolutely amazing bias“, regretted Wednesday the director of the National Agency for Computer Security (Anssi) Guillaume Poupard. On the occasion of the 7th edition of the “European Cyber ​​Weekwhich is held in Rennes, Guillaume Poupard unveiled a survey on the attractiveness and representation of cybersecurity professions.

The cyber job market is booming: the increasing digitization of exchanges and transactions, as well as the increasing complexity of the cyber threat, reinforce the need for qualified professionals within companies and administrations.“, estimated the director of the agency created in 2009 and established in Paris. But, in this landscape,the question of women is very visible: 11% of women in the field of cybersecurity, it is an absolutely incredible bias because it is a profession that really does not need to be gendered“Said Guillaume Poupard after a press conference.

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When we look at the level of students how things are going, in computer science and even more cyber, there are 14% of women. In the professional environment, we inherit a bias that already exists in the training environment“, he lamented. Also, to have a greater presence of women in this growing and qualified sector, “we must work on training and understand and correct the fact that women do not go to these cyber professions“, he mentioned.

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