One means: Deportations: Laschet wants to take harder action against threats

One means: deportations
Laschet wants to take tougher action against threats

A 16-year-old is in custody on suspicion of preparing an attack on the synagogue in Hagen. North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Laschet announces that he wants to take tough action against those who pose a threat. The Chancellor candidate of the Green Baerbock also wants that – but with other means.

After the failed attack on the synagogue in Hagen, Chancellor candidate Armin Laschet declared that he wanted to take tough action against Islamist dangers in Germany. The fight against Islamist threats also includes deportations, Laschet told the “Bild” newspaper. “As Prime Minister, I am already making sure that dangerous people are deported. The red-green predecessor government has always refused. Since 2017, we have detained and deported 35 dangerous people,” said the CDU chief and North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister.

As Chancellor he wanted “bans on anti-constitutional organizations and associations, bans on symbols of hatred and terror, entry and residence bans, expulsions and deportations – as far as possible,” said Laschet. He also announced that he wanted to set up a joint European database of threats.

The Chancellor candidate of the Greens, Annalena Baerbock, told the newspaper that there was “no justification, no acceptance, no excuse for anti-Semitism, whether from the right, from the middle of society or Islamistically motivated”. Top threats would have to be monitored around the clock. “Even if it costs money, we have to take care of security,” said Baerbock. At the same time, de-radicalization and prevention programs are needed.

On Friday evening, the Düsseldorf Public Prosecutor’s Office issued an arrest warrant for the 16-year-old arrested the day before in connection with the failed attack on the synagogue in Hagen. The Syrian citizen is therefore under urgent suspicion of “preparing for a serious act of violence that is dangerous to the state”. In media reports it was said that the 16-year-old had denied having planned an attack on the Jewish house of God.
