“One of the first collateral victims of the war in Ukraine is the Visegrad group”

Grandstand. Faced with the war in Ukraine, the European Union [UE] regained its unity, and the differences with certain countries of central Europe found themselves relegated to the background. The eastern flank of the EU, faced with the proximity of the conflict, finds itself at the heart of the humanitarian, political and military aid system for Ukraine.

The visit of the Polish, Czech and Slovenian Prime Ministers to President Zelensky on 15 March in kyiv symbolized this strong moment of European solidarity. They then point out that their perception of the Russian threat, deemed alarmist, has proven to be justified. They know from experience that when, in Moscow, people start talking “fraternal assistance”the tanks are not far away and they feel comforted in the correctness of their adherence to NATO, the only defense organization capable of deterring Russian imperialism.

These countries find themselves in the reading of the conflict proposed by President Zelensky, that of “two different worlds” who oppose each other on their values, starting with freedom. ” That’s it, said Zelensky, that determines who belongs to Europe. » It was, forty years ago, the theme of Milan Kundera’s essay on Central Europe A west kidnapped (Le Débat, Gallimard, 1983, first edition). With the eastward enlargement of the European Union, central Europe leaned to the west. Faced with Putin’s war, she looks to the east.

Source of inspiration

The spontaneous openness of Ukraine’s neighbors – particularly Poland – to the arrival of millions of refugees contrasts with their closure in the face of the wave of refugees from the Middle East in 2015. The Hungarian Orban was then building his fence, the Pole Kaczynski invoked security and health risks and the Visegrad countries (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia) then categorically rejected the idea of ​​EU interference in the distribution of migrants. They see no objection today to the EU getting involved with a fund of 17 billion euros.

Is the East-West dispute over welcoming refugees and illiberal democracy dissipating? It seems premature to affirm this for at least three reasons.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers “In Hungary, Serbia or France, support for Putin is hardly harmful electorally”

One of the first collateral victims of the war in Ukraine is the Visegrad group. In the train that took the three prime ministers to kyiv, there was a notorious absentee: Viktor Orban. The latter is an ally and a source of inspiration for his Polish partner in terms of “illiberal democracy” but they are poles apart when it comes to their relationship with Putin’s Russia. Kaczynski takes a hard line against Russia, advocating the delivery of planes to kyiv, as well as the sending of a “mission of peace” of NATO in Ukraine.

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