one of the most anticipated games available, it’s a slap in the face

Today is a very important day for Xbox Game Pass, and for Microsoft at large, as its long-awaited big exclusive is available now.

You will have understood, we are of course talking about Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2, available on Xbox Game Pass since 10 a.m. this morning here. If you’re curious to find out what this new Xbox exclusive developed by Ninja Theory is worth, Microsoft’s favorite subscription service is as good a way as any to do it.

Hellblade 2 finally available on Xbox Game Pass

Remember that Hellblade 2 was the strong selling point in 2019 to promote the capabilities of the Xbox Series , and naturally on Xbox Game Pass. And it seems that the game manages to keep its promises, at least when it comes to its visual and sound performance. In any case, it is a beautiful and worthy sequel to Hellblade Senua’s Sacrifice on these two points.

Senua’s new adventure is literally a journey of the senses. In addition to its well-deserved status as a graphics showcase for Unreal Engine 5, the game is also a little gem for the ears. To better represent madness, an element rarely explored so skillfully in a video game format, this happens through voices in the head of our heroine. The experience is therefore best enjoyed with headphones on, in a dark room to enjoy this superb cinematic experience. However, the graphics slap is paid for on Xbox Series with a framerate blocked at 30 FPS. On the other hand, fluidity is there on PC, provided you have a sufficiently powerful machine. So you can discover this right now via an Xbox Game Pass subscription. It is also possible to use the Cloud and not worry too much about these hardware considerations, provided you have a very good Internet connection.

Other good games to discover to optimize your subscription

If you want to discover Hellblade 2 via Xbox Game Pass, you might as well combine business with pleasure. The Ninja Theory title indeed has a fairly short lifespan. It is therefore appropriate to find other games to justify a month’s subscription. In this sense, the month of May is rather well stocked. Among the notable new arrivals, we have Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons and Chants of Sennaar.

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