One-off payment in December: Association considers gas relief to be unworkable

One-off payment in December
Association considers gas relief to be unworkable

The association Haus und Grund criticizes the ideas of the gas commission. The owners do not believe that a quick reimbursement of the December deductions is realistic. The proposed gas price brake comes “simply too late”.

According to the Haus und Grund owners’ association, the reimbursement of the December gas bill proposed by the Gas Price Commission cannot be implemented. The proposal is “not a solution that a private landlord can implement,” said Kai H. Warnecke, president of the association, to the newspapers of the Funke media group.

“In the short time it will not be possible, especially for apartment owners who rent out, to calculate the share and reimburse the down payments,” said Warnecke. “It seems as if the proposal was drawn up by people who have never seen a heating bill, let alone worked it out.”

Warnecke rated the fact that the gas price brake proposed by the expert commission should only take effect from March as “simply too late”: “Introducing a cap at the end of winter is like a rent brake in a village where nobody lives anymore.”

“Either a flat-rate service or a price cap”

The lid must be taken immediately, demanded the president of the owners’ association. He warned the model would not work. “Either a flat-rate service is needed immediately or a price cap. Passing the work on to others only creates chaos,” added Warnecke.

In the fight against the high gas prices, private households and companies should be relieved by a two-stage model according to a proposal by a commission of experts set up by the federal government: According to this, the state should take over the complete monthly gas bill for households and businesses in December.

In a second step, from March 2023 to the end of April 2024, prices are to be reduced to twelve cents per kilowatt hour for 80 percent of an estimated basic quota. The contractually agreed energy price then applies to the remainder of the consumption quantity above this basic quota.

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