one out of 7 new files had an error in 2022

The Court of Auditors is concerned about the increase in errors in the calculation of retirement pensions in 2022. New pensioners in the Ile-de-France region even experience errors in nearly one file in five in 2022, compared to 1 in 7 on average for the all regions.

Beware of mistakes when retiring. This is the warning issued by the Court of Auditors in a recent report. According to the conclusions of the magistrates during the certification of the accounts of the general social security scheme, errors in retirement pensions paid for the first time in 2022 are on the rise and concerned more than one in seven files. Of the 916,000 new benefits allocated last year by the funds of the old-age branch, including 81% pensions and 19% derived rights (such as survivors’ pensions), more than one in seven contained a financial error, note Capital. These proportions correspond to an error rate of 13% to 15%, unequally distributed over the territory. For example, new pensioners in the Ile-de-France experience errors in nearly one file in five in 2022.

Compared to the amount of benefit allocations during the financial year (6.4 billion euros), it (the financial incidence rate, i.e. the impact of errors, editor’s note) implies a probable amount of errors of the order of 70 million euros, specifies the Court of Auditors which also insists on specifying that, end to end, these errors will have a cumulative impact of one billion euros until the death of the pensioners.

Conversely, the frequency of errors is lower among the self-employed (7%) but has been on the rise for 3 years.

Analyze your career statement

Another concern raised by the Court of Auditors, the fact that the measures still do not take into account the errors affecting the solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa), rejections and revisions of law. Clearly, the number of errors is higher than the figures communicated by the services whose number of agents is decreasing.

To guard against this type of misadventure, it is advisable to delve into your career statement, to take stock of the validated quarters, the years of contribution and to track down any omissions.

source site-96