One Piece Odyssey: All about the game, its design and its combat system in one video

Bandai Namco has already confirmed to us that One Piece Odyssey will be talking about him again this weekend, since he will be present at the Anime Expo, as well as in the Bandai Namco Summer Showcase, which will be broadcast this Saturday very early in the morning. But surprise, we discover that the publisher has today posted a developer diary in which we learn a lot of things about the JRPG, while being entitled to lots of gameplay images never seen before.

More gameplay to discover

This long video already begins by taking stock of the development, telling us that it’s been five years since One Piece Odyssey is under discussion with the publisherand that Oda came to bring new designs in 2019, with new characters (Adio and Lim) and animals.

We won’t learn much more about the game’s scenario, which remains quite obscure but which will require the crew to explore their memories, certainly to become stronger and stronger.

Regarding the gameplay, we can finally see real in-game sequences where our heroes go on an adventure. As we already knew, we find ourselves here in front of a JRPG mainly made up of corridors, a little in the vein of a Tales of, and you can control any character during the exploration phases. However, it will be asked to call on everyone’s abilities in order to be able to move forward, like Chopper who will be able to pass through small tunnels, or Franky who will design bridges.

A zone-based combat system

The fights are also revealed a little more. Here again, we knew that the turn-based system was used herebut we have a better overview of the menus and attacks of our heroes.

We can thus see that the placement will be very important during these confrontations, as enemies and our characters will be scattered across different areas.

All the members of the crew who can take part in the battle will thus be present on the ground, but not necessarily in the same places. It will therefore be necessary to manage the placement of each one well to get out of it against the different enemies, especially since certain situations could be problematic, for example if Sanji is alone surrounded by women.

One Piece Odyssey will be released this year on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and PC. And yes, still no date on the horizon for the game, except that it is still confirmed for this year.

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