One pot pasta | Super easy food recipes

In the kitchen, you're more of a quiche, well … you don't love spending hours cutting, peeling, seed, tossing, spreading, dosing, placing, waiting, decorating, presenting a dish! Especially when the context gives you a thousand other things to do!

So for you, the pope of American lifestyle, Martha Stewart, has invented a concept of recipe which is all the rage. The "one-pot", which means everything in one pot and is pronounced "ouane pote".

The basic principle consists in putting all the ingredients together to cook (yes even the water for the rice or the pasta!) and to obtain a tasty dish giving you great desire without having to worry. We launch the recipe, we do not intervene or very little, and we obtain a tasty dish. Super practical!

By reading the recipes under the pictures, however, you will see that sometimes it still requires a minimum of intervention, but you will find yourself rather not bad in the kitchen quite quickly!

Here are some one-pot recipes, these all-in-one dishes often based on pasta but also rice, quinoa … and even potatoes!

The success of a well-stocked pot that makes your mouth water!

Credit: Amandine Cooking