One reason for the end of his career: Vettel doubted his Formula 1 skills

A reason for the end of his career
Vettel doubted his Formula 1 skills

At the end of this Formula 1 season, one of the greatest success stories in the history of the premier class ends: Sebastian Vettel resigns after four world championship titles and recently less than satisfactory years. In an interview, he now admits that self-doubt also prompted him to take this step.

Self-doubt is also a reason for Sebastian Vettel’s career end in Formula 1. “I became aware of that two years ago. When things weren’t going well here at Aston Martin, I asked myself: Can I still do my job? Talk about something like that you don’t as a professional, somehow it seems to be frowned upon,” said the four-time world champion of the weekly newspaper “Die Zeit” in an interview. “Personal weakness and thoughts about it are part of performance and also of success. The past two years have been worth their weight in gold for me, at least for this realization.”

Vettel made his Formula 1 debut in the USA in 2007 and later won four world championships in a row with Red Bull. After two years at Aston Martin, he will be retiring at the end of this year in the premier class of motorsport. A few weeks ago, he surprisingly announced his resignation in a long and emotional video message on social networks.

“Of course I wonder if I’ll be able to cope with the afterlife or if I’ll be missing something. Maybe it will upset me that everything I’ve built up to now is crumbling or bursting. When I think about it and the careers of others famous athlete after the career, then I can see that it’s a big challenge,” said the father of three, Vettel. “Maybe I won’t win this race, maybe not even finish it. I don’t know.”

Vettel does not yet have any clear plans for the time after Formula 1. The Hessian is committed to the environment and human rights. “I really like tinkering with wood. Who knows, maybe I’ll do an apprenticeship as a carpenter,” he also said. “And I like farming, which has grabbed me more and more in recent years.”

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