Online banking: Boursorama panics the counters

Boursorama Banque captured 800,000 contacts in 2021 and now exceeds 3.3 million customers. Unheard of for an online bank.

It’s time for the 2021 review for Boursorama Banque and it is undeniably good. Last year, 800,000 additional customers joined online banking, including 100,000 in December alone, according to a statement released today. A record conquest – the previous one dated from 2020, with 590,000 contacts – which brings its total to 3.3 million customers as of December 31. Boursorama has doubled the size of its business in 3 years. By way of comparison, Hello bank!, BNP Paribas’ mobile bank, won over 72,000 new customers last year, ie more than 10 times less.

The Société Générale subsidiary is reaping the fruits of its intense marketing campaign: it has multiplied, in 2021, the welcome offers, with bonuses sometimes reaching 130 euros. Heavy investments in the conquest of new customers which further distance it from the profitability, promised for 2024.

However, it is registering signs of commitment, which bodes well for the future. In 2021, Boursorama customers logged on to their online bank 14 times a month on average, carried out 15 transactions and spent 535 euros by bank card, still on monthly average. Average monthly flows on current accounts exceed 2,700 euros. Online banking also continued in 2021 the rejuvenation of its clientele. Nearly 60% of new customers have less than 30 euros, helping to lower the age of users: 35 years old, compared to 36 years old at the end of 2020.

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The growing loyalty of its customers can also be seen in their level of equipment. All product ranges recorded good increases in outstandings: +29% for balance sheet deposits (current accounts, regulated savings, passbook accounts) +29% for mortgage loans, +17% for consumer loans, +13% on life insurance, +25% on the stock market. In total, the outstandings entrusted to Boursorama now exceed 50 billion eurosup 10 billion over one year.

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