Online child protection: Macron challenges Elon Musk; Microsoft, TikTok, Meta, Amazon commit

Thibaut Popelier

Gaming Specialist

November 14, 2022 at 12:35 p.m.


Emmanuel Macron © Frederic Legrand - COMEO /

© Frederic Legrand – COMEO/

When the “powerful” of this world exchange directly on Twitter, that necessarily speaks. Especially when the small discussion revolves around a very important subject like online protection for children.

While Elon Musk and Emmanuel Macron made the headlines, other large multinationals have pledged to make their platforms safer for young Internet users.

States and companies hand in hand

As we know, online violence has increased over the years. A very difficult phenomenon to stem on social networks and other sites on which moderation is difficult. With just a few clicks, children can be exposed to bullying and offensive content, such as pornography. The French State has therefore launched an initiative to try to protect the youngest.

On November 10, on the occasion of the Paris Peace Forum, Emmanuel Macron formalized the creation of a ” online child protection lab “. A laboratory that will bring together political leaders, but also NGOs, regulators and various very popular platforms. Representatives of Google, TikTok, Microsoft and even Meta are taking part in this action.

A surprise guest?

In his speech, the President of the Republic declared that ” the digital space cannot be a place of lawlessness “. He also explained that his famous laboratory will aim to identify the appropriate initiatives that will allow “ regulate and better protect » kids online. To support his point, the French president did not fail to challenge a certain Elon Musk directly via Twitter.

Emmanuel Macron thus asked the new owner of the social network if “ the bird will protect our children “. To which the billionaire replied “ Absolutely “, in French, before saying he is ready to take measures to achieve this objective. It remains to be seen whether the solutions envisaged will prove to be really effective in this veritable jungle that is the Internet.

Source : West France

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