Only 3rd place – Alain Berset is no longer the most popular Federal Councilor – News

  • The affair about indiscretions from the Interior Department has apparently had an impact on the popularity of the members of the Federal Council.
  • According to a survey by Tamedia and “20 Minuten”, Viola Amherd is now the most popular Federal Councilor.
  • Alain Berset falls back to third place.

In the survey published on Monday, the Leewas Institute asked respondents to give federal councilors grades between 1 and 6.

Secretary of Defense Amerd was able to increase her average satisfaction score from 4.02 to 4.22 compared to last August, moving up two places. Finance Minister Karin Keller-Sutter remains in second place with a value of 4.09. Berset’s Happiness Score dropped from 4.11 to 3.92. However, the Minister of Health kept himself on the podium.

According to the information, the SVP representatives Albert Rösti and Guy Parmelin are in fourth and fifth place. At the bottom are Ignazio Cassis and Elisabeth Baume-Schneider.

When it came to the question of whether Berset should be re-elected to the Federal Council after the autumn elections, the SP magistrate came third behind Amherd and Keller Sutter. 49 percent of respondents support his re-election. In the case of Amherds and Keller-Sutters, the figures are 58 and 54 percent, respectively. The re-election of Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis received the least support at 33 percent.

Future of the magic formula?

The survey does not give a clear picture of the future party-political composition of the state government. Only 19 percent prefer to stick to the current magic formula.

However, the authors of the study found that none of the alternatives was able to convince across party political camps. While the electorate of the SVP and the FDP would like to give the GLP a seat in the Federal Council at the expense of the SP, the left-green camp prefer the variant with a Green seat at the expense of an FDP representation.

Satisfaction prevails

Despite the so-called corona leaks, 59 percent of those surveyed expressed the view that the state government worked well together. 55 percent said they were satisfied with the work of the Federal Council as a whole. This represents an increase of 5 percent compared to the last survey in August 2022.

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