Open Casting: Everything about the dating trend

Open casting
Taylor Swift is betting on this dating trend

© DimaBerlin / Adobe Stock

Taylor Swift has a new boyfriend! And that doesn’t correspond to their usual pattern of prey at all. In doing so, she has taken a cue from a dating trend that is currently making the rounds: open casting.

The meeting of two of the highest earners in America – Taylor Swift and Kansas City Chiefs star Travis Kelce – has kept many people very busy over the last few weeks. First, countless jokes accumulated on social media, then sales of Kelce’s jersey shot up by 400 percent. Given Taylor’s other prey schemes, this encounter left many fans puzzled. So she’s obviously on one dating trend that has been doing the rounds for some time: Open Castingor even Breaking The Habit Principle.

What is the “Open Casting” dating trend?

Back in 2022, dating app Bumble predicted that open casting would be a big hit with singles looking for love in 2023. This dating trend is about stopping adhering so much to superficial dating standards and instead to go out with people you would never have given your time to before. Is open casting the panacea for the seemingly endless search for a partner?

Why it’s worth trying out the dating trend

Open casting is a term that has long been used in the entertainment industry. It refers to the way directors cast roles in a play, musical, television show, or film: anyone can join in to audition for the roles. Although this dating trend encourages you to be more open-minded, it doesn’t mean you have to drop your standards. Dating someone you have nothing in common with and whose lifestyle is in direct contrast to yours is unlikely to work. But the fact that sticking to your prey pattern and dating with a very specific idea that you have doesn’t work may mean something. First and foremost, it wants to tell you that it’s time to change something – and open casting can be one of many ways to do this.

Dating trend open casting: helpful tips

Open casting can help you expand your tunnel vision and find people who bring positive dynamics into your life. It’s about, meeting new types of people, which, even if they don’t correspond to your original idea, have something in common with you. People who can give you a lot that you maybe didn’t even know you needed – even if they weren’t your type at first swipe. But how exactly do you go about it?

  1. Keep an open mind: You know what is good for you, what qualities you want and who you can see yourself with in the long term. Relax your requirements so that these needs remain met and be more lenient in the categories that do not affect these needs. Was it important to you so far that the person had a creative job? Maybe you should still try talking to a scientist – this doesn’t have to rule out the possibility that the person can share your passion for creativity.
  2. Don’t give up straight away: Let’s say you’re on your first date with someone and you didn’t feel any attraction. It was pleasant, but it didn’t work straight away. Open casting is about going on a second date anyway. Sometimes the first impression isn’t everything.
  3. Open-mindedness: Open casting can feel unusual at first. Anything outside of our comfort zone may feel intimidating – but only temporarily. Be brave! If you implement point two, you might be surprised at the kind of people you meet and how happy they can make you. This realization can profoundly change your dating life. Make room for someone to come into your life unexpectedly and change it for the better.

Possible dangers of open casting

In general, being open-minded and trying new things is always an enriching experience. However, you can also take it too far. If you open yourself up to the point where you no longer have boundaries or expectations, you may end up hurt. As with most things in life, too much of anything can be bad for us. So always maintain a certain minimum of standards and requirements.

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