OpenAI is working well on the future version of ChatGPT

Interviewed by Bill Gates as part of a podcast, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman revealed that he was working on a new version of ChatGPT’s LLM, which could be GPT-5. Enough to glimpse future improvements to the AI ​​chatbot.

Some time after the arrival of GPT-4, the OpenAI LLM that powers ChatGPT, all eyes were already turning to GPT-5. However, the company behind this artificial intelligence model had clarified that it was not yet working on it. In the latest episode of the podcast Unconfused Me by Bill Gates, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman confirmed that improvements to ChatGPT are in development. We already know some new features and it could well be for GPT-5.

ChatGPT could interpret video

Sam Altman fully accepts this, without explicitly talking about GPT-5: he wants ChatGPT to be able to process video. In responding to Bill Gates, he said he was surprised by the reaction of users after the images and audio arrived in the chatbot. The idea is actually to have a fully multimodal chatbot, which can rely on any type of content.

Source: Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

ChatGPT could then not only interpret videos to analyze them, but also generate them. This would be a significant development compared to GPT-4. The latest version of the company’s LLM allows image management and generation using Dall-E, another AI from OpenAI. As noted 01netthe company had already indicated that it was working on a video generation tool.

Other improvements that GPT-5 could bring

The CEO of OpenAI also spoke about the current limitations of GPT-4. He questioned the ability to reason which seemed to be his priority. ChatGPT should be more reliable in the future.

The other main axis is adaptability and personalization. This involves the possibility of using your own data: “the ability to know you, your email, your calendar, how you want to make your appointments, connection to other external data sources», in the words of Sam Altman. This is what ChatGPT is gradually already doing, with the recent launch of a chatbot store dedicated to specific uses.

Sam Altman, co-founder and CEO of OpenAI (ChatGPT, GPT, Dall-E)

More broadly, the CEO of OpenAI sees in the tool he is marketing a productivity tool, the evolution of which is long and continuous. Chatbots like ChatGPT will be able to do more things, including what employees can do, he says. He sees it as a societal change towards other forms of work. Where it works best is in computer programming: “Right now we can perhaps speed up a programmer’s working time by three times.»

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