Opening strategy by the end of May: Scholz sees the country as crucial weeks ahead

Open strategy by the end of May
Scholz sees the country as crucial weeks ago

According to Vice Chancellor Scholz, it should be clear at the end of May what the return to a more or less normal everyday life will look like. But that also means the next few weeks will be tough. During this time, the chance for a beer garden and vacation should not be wasted.

Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz is preparing the citizens for more difficult weeks. In the “Bild am Sonntag” newspaper, he called on citizens “in the next four to six weeks not to ruin the chance to sit in the beer garden in summer and go on vacation”. With the corona vaccinations and tests as well as the rules that are now in force, you have the opportunity to “leave the pandemic behind us in the summer”.

At the same time, the SPD chancellor candidate showed understanding for the lockdown frustration of the citizens. He also “no longer feels like this pandemic and its restrictions,” he continues. Nevertheless, the nationwide Corona emergency brake that has now come into force is necessary. “We need this effort again so that we can have a nice summer and then a more carefree life again,” said Scholz.

In his opinion, the coming weeks should also be used to set a binding timetable for exiting the corona lockdown by the end of May. “We need the timetable back to normal life, but one that will not be revoked after a few days,” said the 62-year-old. “By the end of May we should be able to make reliable statements.”

Scholz spoke out in favor of “that we as the government then set clear and courageous opening steps for the summer”. This should allow restaurants to prepare for their opening and allow citizens to plan their summer. In addition, it should be determined when concerts, theater and stadium visits are possible again.
