Operation in Innsbruck – Alarm at high school: Students threatened to shoot

Late Friday morning, there was a major police operation in Innsbruck, in which the Cobra was also involved. The reason was a “dangerous threat” that was apparently directed against a school in the city center. Two students who were allegedly involved – they are said to have threatened to shoot – have now been tracked down.

The Akademisches Gymnasium in the inner city of Innsbruck was affected. The police spoke of a “dangerous threat”. This had been made via social media, police spokesman Stefan Eder said when asked by the “Krone”.Image of weapon postedEder did not provide any further details. As the “Krone” has since learned, however, a picture with a weapon is said to have been posted on a social media platform. With the announcement that there would be “a big shooting today”, i.e. a shooting.Students are questioned by policeTwo students who were allegedly involved have now been tracked down. They are now being questioned by investigators. “For tactical reasons of investigation,” as Eder explained in the afternoon, no further information will be released for the time being.The large police operation in the inner city of Innsbruck has now ended. The special task force Cobra was also called in.Principal: “Purely a precautionary measure”The school’s principal has now turned to the parents or guardians of the students. The email is available to the “Krone”. It says: “I would like to inform you that there was a police operation at the school today. It was purely a precautionary measure. Your children were not in any danger at any time.”
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