Operation in the Stubaital – Smoked in Stadel and fell asleep: Fire alarm!

Firefighters deployed on Thursday evening in the Tyrolean Stubaital: A fire broke out in a hay barn in Telfes after a 60-year-old local fell asleep with a lit cigarette. The man escaped in horror.

According to the police, the 60-year-old Tyrolean apparently wanted to spend the night in the hay barn. The fire broke out shortly before 8:30 p.m. Firefighters were quickly on the scene. “According to previous findings, the man probably fell asleep with a lit cigarette,” the police reported. The alerted fire department was able to quickly bring the situation under control and extinguish the fire. The smoker was uninjured. The 60-year-old was lucky in misfortune – he was uninjured. The amount of damage caused to the hay barn cannot yet be quantified. 34 members of the Telfes volunteer fire department in the Stubaital, the rescue team and a police patrol were on duty.
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