Opponent of the AHV revision – Meyer: “I’m not willing to let our mothers pay” – News

The Federal Council and Parliament argue that a reform is needed to ensure that old-age provision does not get into financial difficulties. SP co-president and referendum leader Mattea Meyer opposes this.

Mattea Meyer

SP Co-President

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Mattea Meyer was elected to the National Council in 2015. Previously, the Winterthur native was a municipal and cantonal councilor and vice-president of Juso Switzerland. Since October 2020 she has been at the helm of SP Switzerland together with Cédric Wermuth.

SRF News: How would you explain the state of AHV to a 12-year-old?

Mattea Meyer: The situation of the AHV is actually good. She made a profit last year. So I explain to a 12-year-old that he has money saved and can put it in a box – a box that has enough money in it.

In just three years, the AHV will probably take in less than it pays out. Nevertheless, you want to prevent a reform that should stabilize the social work. How do you justify that?

This is a proposal to cut pensions at the expense of women and married couples. We all have to pay more for worse services with an increase in VAT. We defend ourselves against this.

The monthly pensions will not be reduced. And the women in the transitional cohorts receive compensation for retiring a year later. Up to 1900 francs per year.

A specific example: A nurse with children can already decide today not to retire until she is 65 and will receive a higher pension in return. She loses compared to today.

Evidently voters see a need for reform. According to the first GFS survey, a majority says yes to the AHV revision.

If it is necessary to make additional financing for the AHV, then we at the SP will make a constructive contribution. For a financial transaction tax, for example. But not for a reduction in pensions, as is now on the table.

Her party colleague Pierre-Yves Maillard spoke of false numbers with which the Federal Council is campaigning. Alain Berset is in the lead. Do you also hold your Federal Council responsible?

The Federal Social Insurance Office had to present the numbers more optimistically. But this black painting of the AHV, especially from the bourgeois side, has a system. The banks and insurance companies do not make any money with the AHV. They are interested in frightening people so that they can sell their Pillar 3 products.

But again: Your Federal Councilor is in the lead with this proposal. And not the banks.

Our Federal Councilor Alain Berset is one of seven Federal Councilors who brought this bill to Parliament. And then the citizens made changes.

The lower retirement age for women was introduced on the grounds that women were the weaker sex. Isn’t it time to abolish this antiquated distinction?

It’s not about our generation, it’s about our mothers’ generation. Women who have “scraped” all their lives, who have looked after children. Those who have poorly paid part-time jobs might now look after their grandchildren. And who have a third less pension than men of the same age.

The fact that they have a third less pension is due to the 2nd pillar, which is being reformed separately. So why block the AHV?

We do not block the AHV. Five years ago, we said yes to raising the retirement age because there was an increase in pensions under the first pillar. Now every woman receives one year less pension and that costs them 26,000 francs. Although we all know that these women did so much unpaid work. Especially as a young woman, I’m not willing to let our mothers pay.

The conversation was led by Larissa Rhyn.

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