Optical Illusion: Can you spot the hidden word in the picture?

Optical illusion
Can you spot the word in the picture?

There is more to this search image than meets the eye.


This black and white drawing not only hides a grumpy looking man, but also a word – can you find it?

Optical illusions are always an exciting way to test our perception. This is also the case with this black and white drawing of a man, which is currently being hotly debated in the “Reddit” community: The reason for his grumpy appearance also seems to be hidden in the picture.

© Reddit / Donut_Playz_7573

Hidden picture: Find the hidden word in the picture

To discover it, it can help you to change perspective – and a little tip: we are looking for an English word. can you find it You can find out the solution in the video.

Source: RTLReddit


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