Orange: the Cyberdefense subsidiary wants to recruit nearly 800 cybersecurity professionals

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( — Orange Cyberdefense – the subsidiary ofOrangeEuropean leader in cybersecurity services- announces the launch of its recruitment campaign which runs until the end of 2023. It targets in the 9 countries in which it is established in Europe around 800 professionals in order to respond to new challenges of companies of all sizes in terms of cybersecurity and join the 3,000 experts who already make up the organization.

All professions are targeted, whether analysts within operational teams but also architects, engineers, consultants or even ethical hackers.

All profiles – beginners or confirmed wishing to invest in missions with high added value around subjects relating to anticipation, identification, protection, detection and response to cyber threats – are concerned.

In a context of talent scarcity and strong customer demand, Orange Cyberdefense is significantly changing the systems relating to the attractiveness of its employer brand. In order to attract new professionals from all walks of life, it has deployed a common recruitment platform for all of its Cyber ​​campuses in France, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Switzerland and put in place systems to nurture professional and personal paths by intensifying both the bridges between the different professions and the opportunities to understand, as closely as possible to customers, the nature of the cyber threat. These actions aim to considerably diversify employee profiles. They are illustrated both in the average age of the latter, aged 35, and in the proportion of female talent within the organization, up to nearly 20% and who account for 25% of new recruits.


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