Organize your desk: With these 13 tips for more order

It doesn’t take much to organize your desk to create order. GALA tells you which tips you can use to get this done easily.

The working day is over and there is once again a mess on the desk. Pens, paper and hole punches are scattered all over the table, leaving hardly any space for a laptop or a mouse pad. Things that can help include a laptop stand, storage compartments and table organizers.

Organize your desk – you need these basics

laptop stand

The laptop has already replaced the usual computer for many people. Instead, the foldable device serves as the main PC and is usually supplemented by an additional monitor, keyboard and mouse in the home office. A laptop stand ensures your device is raised so firstly you don’t always have to look down to work on it and secondly the use of a stand puts the laptop’s camera at eye level so you are not unfavorably filmed from below during a video calls.

monitor stand

There is one not only for the laptop stand, so you can work better and save space. There are also elevations for monitors that allow you to simply stow the keyboard and mouse under the stand after work is done, so that your desk is tidy again. Some monitor stand also have a small compartment or drawer in which you can store pads, pens and other office supplies. This saves you even more space!

Cell Phone/Tablet Stand

In addition to the stands for laptops and monitors, you also have the option of your smart phone or tablet to put on a stand. This is particularly advantageous if you integrate the device into your work and use the tablet for notes or the calendar overview, for example.

Adapter for USB-C and HDMI

Many laptops, especially MacBooks, now only have a few connections so that the design is as clean as possible. In this case you should get one adapter buy one that has both HDMI outputs and is suitable for USB-C.

storage compartments

In the course of a working day you may accumulate a number of documents. However, they don’t have to be scattered all over your desk, they can go with you storage compartments be sorted immediately. This not only looks better, but also makes your work easier because you know exactly where to find what.

Desk organizer

It’s not just documents that like to fly around when you’re working, pens, markers and various odds and ends are also known to make our desks look untidy. For such cases it is worthwhile Desk organizer, which has room for every pen, scissors and tape. To round off the look, you can choose the same color for the storage compartments as well as the table organizer and the stand, for example gold, silver or transparent.

More office gadgets that make life easier

wireless charger

Our smartphones are telephones, cameras, calendars, phone books, maps, wallets and weather forecasters all rolled into one – it can happen that the battery loses energy more quickly. For such cases there is a wireless charger exactly what you need! Not only do you save yourself the clutter of cables, but you can also simply place the smartphone on the charger if you don’t need it while you work and let your smartphone charge itself. And it’s ready to use again!

Mini vacuum cleaner

No matter what you try, small crumbs always collect on the desk. Be it small snacks that crumble or the remains of erasers – it looks messy at first glance. Especially when you leave your desk after work, you certainly want to leave it clean so that you have a fresh start to the day the next morning. A Mini vacuum cleaner can help to get rid of the day’s small remnants very quickly and without any extra work on your part.

standing shelf

standing shelves are practical in every room of a house or apartment because they provide more space. They are mostly used in the kitchen or the bathroom, but they are also good for organizing in the study on the desk. In addition to pen holders, adhesive tape and the smartphone stand, you can also decorate a green plant on the shelf and create a nice atmosphere.

To do list

As the day progresses, it’s easy to lose track of what needs to be done once you’ve fully dedicated yourself to a task. A stylish one To do list brings order to chaos and is a beautiful addition to your workspace. You could place the list on the standing shelf, for example, so that you can always keep an eye on your to-dos.

Silicone cable ties

A wild tangle of cables creates clutter in the workplace, with the help of reusable Silicone cable ties can be avoided. Your table looks tidy and you know exactly which cable goes with which device.

Drawer Organizer

If you have a desk that has been complemented with drawers on the sides, then you can organize it to keep the chaos under control. What you need for that are Drawer Organizer in different sizes. This means you can store your papers, documents and odds and ends perfectly and may even have more space on your desk.

Organize desk for kids

Tidying up your desk not only helps you to work more effectively. Children are also happy when their everyday life is brought into order and they can fully concentrate on learning without being distracted. They don’t need anything like a laptop or smartphone stand when they are young, but they do Monitor stand with drawer can be of benefit to them.

Also important are drawers or storage compartments for their homework, textbooks and documents. There will always be a little chaos on a child’s desk, but small gadgets like a desk organizer for pens and scissors can help your child to be more organized.

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