“Orientate towards the reality of life”: Esken: “Citizens’ money must be adequate”

“Orientate yourself to the reality of life”
Esken: “Citizens’ money must be adequate”

The future coalition partners of the SPD, FDP and the Greens have agreed to abolish Hartz IV. Instead, the citizens’ money should come. SPD leader Esken is now urging that this must be enough to live on. This also includes better mapping the current price development in the calculation.

SPD chairman Saskia Esken calls for the citizens’ money planned by the Ampel coalition as a replacement for Hartz IV to be set high enough. “Citizens’ money must be adequate, that is clear,” she told the “taz”. The calculations should be based on the cost of living, “and that changes,” she added. “Currently, for example, through the development of energy prices. We must therefore orientate ourselves to the realities of life.”

Esken did not want to suggest a specific level of future standard rates. She does not want to anticipate the coalition negotiations that begin on Wednesday. “The rates must take into account the current wage and price development,” she stressed nonetheless.

Esken also pointed out that the SPD’s election manifesto said that the calculation should be revised. “At the same time, the wage gap rule applies.” Those who work full-time must “have more in their pockets” than recipients of a wage replacement benefit.

In the joint result paper of the SPD, Greens and FDP after the explorations it says: “Instead of the previous basic security (Hartz IV) we will introduce a citizen’s money. The citizen’s money should respect the dignity of the individual, enable them to participate in society and be digitally and easily accessible be.”

In the interview with the “taz”, Esken expressed reluctance to the question of whether she wanted to become a minister in the new cabinet. “I went into politics to make the world a little better every day,” she said. “I do that in the place where it works best.”

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