Orpea plunges another nearly 20%, the State is considering sanctions if the accusations of abuse are proven

The tumble continues for Orpea, which still plunges by almost 20% at the end of the afternoon, which brings its fall to 45% in the space of three sessions.

This afternoon, the government spokesman, Gabriel Attal, declared that the State was considering the possibility of sanctioning the manager of retirement homes if the accusations mentioned in the book-investigation “Les Fossoyeurs”, by Victor Castanet, were checked. In this book, the author attacks Orpéa and in particular its clinic in Neuilly, and reveals serious dysfunctions. He collects 250 testimonies denouncing acts of mistreatment of dependent people.

The revelations that have been made in this book are absolutely shocking “, declared Gabriel Attal during the report of the Council of Ministers. ” If these facts are proven, they will obviously have to be sanctioned with the greatest severity. »

On Tuesday, the Minister Delegate for Autonomy, Brigitte Bourguignon, announced that she had convened ” as soon as possible » the general manager of Orpea France, Jean-Christophe Romersi, to shed light on the « serious facts mentioned in the book. Earlier in the day, the leader had challenged everything “ organized system as described in the book.

inspection mission

We plan (…) to launch an independent inspection mission by the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs for the entire Orpea group “Said Gabriel Attal on Wednesday. The government also asked the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Île-de-France ” their last unannounced control report on “the establishment of Neuilly implicated” and the follow-up that had been given to this report “continued the government spokesperson.

For its defense, the group immediately chose the legal route. The company counters that “ the latest satisfaction survey of residents and families, carried out by an independent external body, shows an average recommendation rate of 95% “. In addition, the group specified Monday evening that the sector is highly regulated and controlled by the public authorities.

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