Orpea-The government is considering sanctions in the event of proven facts

Orpea-The government is considering sanctions in the event of proven facts |  Photo credits: © Vera Kuttelvaserova - Fotolia.com

Orpea-The government is considering sanctions in the event of proven facts | Photo credits: © Vera Kuttelvaserova – Fotolia.com

PARIS, Jan 26 (Reuters) – The group of retirement homes Orpea, whose management is questioned in a book-investigation, could be subject to sanctions if the facts are proven, said Wednesday the spokesman of the government Gabriel Attal.

In his book “Les Fossoyeurs” published this Wednesday by Fayard, journalist Victor Castanet accuses Orpea of ​​negligence and restrictions imposed on residents of its establishments.

“The revelations that have been made in this book are absolutely revolting”, declared Gabriel Attal during the report of the Council of Ministers. “If these facts are proven, they will obviously have to be sanctioned with the greatest severity.”

On Tuesday, the Minister Delegate for Autonomy, Brigitte Bourguignon, announced that she had summoned “as soon as possible” the Director General of Orpea France, Jean-Christophe Romersi, to shed light on the “serious facts” mentioned in the book.

Earlier in the day, the leader had challenged any “organized system” as described in the book.

“We plan (…) to launch an independent inspection mission by the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs for the entire Orpea group”, said Gabriel Attal on Wednesday.

On the Paris Stock Exchange, the Orpea share fell by more than 7% at midday, after having already fallen by 37.8% since the publication on Monday of extracts from the book by the daily Le Monde.

(Report Blandine Hénault, edited by Bertrand Boucey)

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