Orpea: the State files a complaint and requests the return of endowments

I’State files a complaint against the private group of Ehpad Orpea and will request the reimbursement of the public grants allegedly diverted from their purposes. “In view of serious dysfunctions, we are able to tell you that the State is complaining and seizing the public prosecutor”, said on France Inter the Minister Delegate in charge of the Autonomy of the Elderly, Brigitte Bourguignon.

The investigation report, drawn up by the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) and that of Social Affairs (Igas), seized by the government on 1er February, reports “significant” dysfunctions in the organization of the group, to the detriment of the care of residents. Highly anticipated for weeks, this report will however not be made public, because it is covered by business secrecy, said the office of Minister Brigitte Bourguignon to Agence France-Presse.

READ ALSO “Bring in more residents and in better condition”: Orpea’s setbacks in court

A scandal within the sector

On March 11, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, had however affirmed that he intended to publish part of this document, more exactly “all” with the exception of what is covered by business secrecy. The publication in February of the book-investigation The Gravediggersin which journalist Victor Castanet accuses the private group Orpea of ​​having set up a system to optimize its profits to the detriment of the well-being of residents and employees, had created a real earthquake within the sector.

READ ALSOAt Orpea, inhuman resource management

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