Oscars 2023: Marvel believes in Black Panther 2

As with every awards season, Marvel and Disney will be campaigning to have their films also considered in the race for the Oscars. Marvel is particularly betting on Black Panther 2 this year.

Six weeks before the announcement of the Oscar nominations, the studios are sharpening their arguments to defend their films, and invite the voters of the Academy of Oscars to be interested in all genres, including superhero films.

We remember that last year, DC had worked hard so that Spider-Man No Way Home could be nominated in the most prestigious categories, including Best Picture.

This year, Marvel is betting a lot on Black Planther 2, and started campaigning as soon as the film arrived on our screens, highlighting its cast in particular, via excerpts from international critics.

The other Marvel films are no exception. Doctor Strange 2 is also highlighted, also for its cast, including Elizabeth Olsen who could compete in the Best Actress category, as has already been the case in the past.

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Thor 4 is also in the starting blocks: Marvel would like the blockbuster to appear in the Best Film, Best Director and Best Special Effects categories in particular, as can be seen in the document below which has been shared on social networks .

The Oscar nominations will be revealed on January 24, 2023. The ceremony will take place on March 12, 2023 in Los Angeles.

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