Osteopathy, a childbirth aid

Step 1: Why osteopathy?

L’osteopathy can be an additional contribution to the practice ofobstetricsthis offers an additional possibility ofgive birth naturally.
In some circumstances, once labor has started, it can become blocked, and prevent the baby from descending properly into the pelvis, quickly the decision to proceed with a caesarean section imposes itself.
The osteopath can then intervene to try toavoid caesarean section, and facilitate further dilation and/or descent of the child into the pelvis. It intervenes at the request of either the obstetrician or the midwife and always in agreement with you, whether or not you already have knowledge of osteopathy during your pregnancy.
L’osteopathy thus offers an additional chance ofgive birth naturally.

Step 2: Osteopathy during childbirth, how does it work?

The intervention of the osteopath will take about 1 hour. It will act on the pelvis, the patient’s muscles, the baby’s position and the base of the neck to stimulate the intensity and effectiveness of the contractions.
At the end of this time spent with you, theobstetrician or the midwife come back to check on you and if the dilation has resumed or the baby is engaged, then the caesarean section will be avoided.
Of course, this does not always work, in the event of pelvic problems for example: No practitioner will engage a child in his mother’s pelvis through osteopathy, if there is a disproportion between the child and the basin. It is up to the midwife and the obstetrician to judge.
The entry of osteopaths into work room is a plus, there is no harmful action. It can only be positive, it is only considered if the fetus is perfectly well and there is no emergency.

Step 3: The situation of this practice in France

The maternity of the Armand Brillard Private Hospital has developed a team of osteopaths on call day and night, who intervene urgently if necessary.
Few maternities offer this practice to date.

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