Other countries have to wait: USA redirects arms deliveries to Ukraine

Other countries have to wait
USA redirects arms deliveries to Ukraine

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In addition to artillery ammunition, Ukraine also lacks ammunition for the Patriot air defense system. Other countries have also placed orders for missiles with the USA, but they will have to wait. Washington is redirecting the deliveries to Kiev for the time being.

The US government wants to postpone the delivery of certain military equipment to other countries in order to first strengthen Ukraine’s air defense. National Security Council Communications Director John Kirby said that given Kyiv’s urgent needs, the US government had made the “difficult but necessary” decision to postpone certain planned arms sales to other countries, in particular missiles for the Patriot and Nasams air defense systems.

Instead, these were to go first to Ukraine, whose armed forces urgently need additional air defense capabilities. The countries concerned have been informed. Kirby did not say which countries were involved. They will all get what they ordered – just a little later than originally planned. According to “New York Times” Israel and Taiwan are not affected by the delayed delivery.

Kirby said the move involved hundreds of anti-aircraft missiles being diverted to Ukraine. He did not provide any more details. Kiev is expected to receive the first deliveries in the coming weeks. US President Joe Biden had already announced plans to do so a few days ago at a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy.

Selenskyj thanks the USA

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed the US decision. He was “deeply grateful for the prioritization of Ukraine,” he wrote on X. “These additional air defense capabilities will protect Ukrainian cities and civilians.”

One of the countries that will have to do without its Patriot missiles for the time being is apparently Switzerland. This is reported by the “View” citing several unnamed sources. According to the report, Germany’s neighbor signed a procurement contract with the United States in the fall worth 300 million Swiss francs. This included the delivery of PAC-3 guided missiles for the Patriot system.

According to the report, the contract states that the US can deviate from the agreed delivery terms if there are unusual or compelling reasons to do so and if US national security concerns are affected.

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