Otitis Symptoms at a Glance


Otitis symptoms are mainly pain, but also cold symptoms such as cough or fever. Here we reveal typical complaints.

What is a middle ear infection?

In middle ear infections (“otitis media”), the mucous membranes of the middle ear are inflamed – the cause is usually caused by bacteria or viruses infection of the nasopharynx, which then spreads to the ear. The infection is one of the classic diseases in children, but can also affect adults. There are various symptoms of otitis media, usually mild pain, but severe inflammation also causes high fever. By prescribed by the doctor painkillers can ease the symptoms.

Otitis Symptoms Overview

The most common symptoms of otitis media include earache, which may be mild or severe depending on the degree of inflammation. But also the following signs suggest an acute otitis media: 

  • fatigue
  • fever
  • a headache
  • dizziness
  • Pressure in the ear
  • Preliminary deafness
  • Ear noises (“Tinnitus”)
  • Crack or hole in the eardrum
  • Outflow from the ear
  • Fluid behind the eardrum
  • Nausea through to vomiting

Otitis Media: A Common Cold Guide

If cold-causes are the cause of otitis media, typical symptoms of a cold can also develop. These include:

  • to cough
  • sniff
  • fatigue
  • Nose clogged or running
  • Sore throat

Based on the symptoms, the doctor can usually make the diagnosis easily and start the right therapy. Meanwhile, parents need to be very attentive to toddlers and babies: the younger the child, the worse it can express their discomfort . It cries a lot, is generally restless and often touches the ear, but inflammation is quite likely.

What to do against the middle ear infection?

When treating a middle ear infection, the symptoms are treated primarily until the inflammation has subsided. The earache is often used medication. The use of antibiotics many physicians now try to avoid, as they only act against certain bacterial strains and against viruses not at all. Otherwise, home remedies for colds , home remedies for coughs, and home remedies for sore throats can help with common cold . Special middle ear inflammatory home remedies we reveal here.