our best wallpapers for your Oled screens

Are you looking for a new wallpaper for your PC or smartphone? With Midjourney, we have generated predominantly black wallpapers for you to enhance your Oled screen.

Image generated with Midjourney // Source: Frandroid

We like our electronic devices to reflect us, to be unique. It is obviously possible to install specific programs capable of modifying numerous elements of the system, whether on Android, Windows or macOS.

The first and simplest step, however, is to change your wallpaper. Sometimes this is enough to make you feel like you have a new PC or smartphone and there are plenty of sources to find them. On Android and iOS, for example, there are several dedicated applications, while Google Images is a very good place to find them on a computer.

With the advent of generative AI and tools like Midjourney, it seemed interesting to us to offer you our own creations generated using these tools.

We are therefore going to offer you several batches of wallpapers for PC and smartphones around very specific themes. Here, we offer you a selection of predominantly black wallpapers, ideal for enhancing the depth of contrast on your Oled screen.

Black wallpapers for PC

Let’s start with a selection of predominantly black wallpapers for PC, in 16:9 aspect ratio. We have tried to offer a varied selection, with different themes, both abstract and realistic.

Black wallpapers for phone

For each PC wallpaper, we used the same prompt to generate an image similar to smartphone format (9:16… yes, we should have lengthened to 9:18, or even 9:20). Generative AI being what it is, it’s funny to see that some results are sometimes very different while others are very close.

Note that if you like the exercise, we will add new creations to this article as our imagination progresses. Do not hesitate to suggest, in the comments, themes for the next selections.

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