our guide to do it yourself!

To immortalize the pregnancy, making a plaster cast of her belly is an original and symbolic idea. To succeed in your work, we give you all the keys.

Nine months of pregnancy sounds so long, but it's actually so fast! The belly gets rounder over the weeks, leaving new traces of baby on the body: stretch marks, pigment spots, brown line. Because mom's belly will have been the scene of a lot of emotions, kicks, disturbed nights and movements. Moments suspended in time that many pregnant women immortalize thanks to the molding of the belly in plaster. After all, it is a unique baby memory that will always remind you of your pregnancy.

The real-size molding can then be kept at home, very fragile, it is better to leave it out of the reach of children. Tip: For a cast, it's best to get help from your partner, mom or friend. It makes things a lot easier and also a lot faster. You can also turn to an expert who comes to your home to have a professional cast.

When to do the pregnancy plaster cast and how much does it cost?

In principle, every woman can make the cast whenever she wants. can of course take the plaster when she wants. It is best to do this between the 35th and 38th week of pregnancy, as the belly is usually quite large. If you are afraid of having a preterm birth, you can do it earlier around the 7th or 8th month of pregnancy. Count on average around thirty euros for a plaster molding kit.

Instructions for plastering the baby's tummy

This is what you need:

Super Convenient: You can find ready-made baby belly plaster kits from many suppliers on the Internet.

Step 1: Cover the floor with foil

First, of course, you need to think about how you want to perform your cast: sitting or standing. We recommend that you stand up – sitting down may end up with a twisted result. If you are about to give birth and getting tired of standing, make sure your back is as straight as possible while sitting. You can put a pillow between your chair and your back to make this moment more comfortable.

Now you have to cover the floor with aluminum foil to avoid unsightly stains. You can also use newspaper – the main thing is that no mass of plaster later ends up on the floor. If you have a tub, you can also stand in it.

Step 2: Cut the plaster strips

For preparation, the plaster strips must first be cut to the correct size. The length of the different bands depends entirely on the size of your belly. It is best to hold the plaster bands against your stomach and measure the areas with them – they should be around 50cm long at the end. Note, you will need longer bandages when you get to the middle of your stomach. It is best not to cut everything at once, but to do it as the molding progresses.

Step 3: Apply the petroleum jelly liberally to the stomach and breasts

Before starting, you should generously rub your stomach and breasts with petroleum jelly. This is important so that the cast can be removed easily afterwards, without hurting yourself. Petroleum jelly is included in most belly plaster kits. If not, you can buy it at the pharmacy or supermarket. It can also be used with other very fatty body creams or oils.

Step 4: Immerse the strips in lukewarm water and let them air dry

Now the real work begins, the plaster bands are laid on the stomach. For this you need to fill a bowl with lukewarm water and place it next to you. You can start from the bottom as well as from the top, anyone can do it however they want.

Take the first strip of plaster, stretch it and dip it in water. Drain the strip carefully so that it does not drip. Now gently squeeze the bandage over your stomach.
It is better to iron over the plaster strip with your hand so that everything is smooth and no bumps or air bubbles form. Namely, you have to work relatively quickly, because the plaster hardens quickly.

To read :

Step 5: Each strip must overlap the previous one

You will do the same with the next plaster bandages: First pull on the band, then immerse it in water, drain gently and lie on your stomach. The new plaster strip should always lightly cover the previous one so that there is no void afterwards. When in doubt, it is better to leave too much overlap than too little. It is best to apply a second or third layer of tapes at the end. The more layers you have at the end, the more stable the cast will be.

During the assembly, do not hesitate to run your hands on your stomach so that the cast is as smooth as possible.

Step 6: Carefully remove the print

Once the upper body is completely cast, you should wait a few minutes for the cast to dry. You can also use a hair dryer to speed up drying. As soon as the plaster is dry, it will come off on its own from the belly. To facilitate the detachment, you can run your hands under the cast and gently remove it from your stomach.

Step 7: Let dry

The casting is ready! It must now dry completely. To be sure that the molding does not move, it is best to let it sit overnight, then paint it the next day.

Step 8: Smooth with sandpaper

If you see a few dents forming, you can sand down your casting with sandpaper. It works especially well with an abrasive sponge. You can also remove any plaster fringes that protrude from the edges with scissors – this way the cast will be sharper at the end.

Step 9: Decorate and paint

The best comes last: now you can decorate and paint the plaster however you like. Whether you write your baby's name on the cast, tie a knot around it, or just paint a few beautiful designs, the result will be to die for. To hang well on plaster, it is better to give preference to acrylic paint.

There you go, your beautiful cast is ready to be stored for many years to come.