Outer Banks: Who are the Pogues and who are the Kooks?


In the Netflix hit series “Outer Banks” two worlds collide that could hardly be more different: The Pogues and the Kooks. But who are they and what makes them rivals?

Outer Banks Season 3: Rudy Pankow as JJ

Outer Banks Season 3: Rudy Pankow as JJ (Credit: Jackson Lee Davis / Netflix)

  • In the Netflix series “Outer Banks” two enemy groups are looking for the same treasure.
  • The Pogues and the Kooks couldn’t be more different.
  • That makes them rivals.

Have you ever wondered what you would do if you found a treasure today and were suddenly filthy rich? Well, for some this is not just a dream. At least not if they should actually find the treasure.

In “Outer Banks,” a brave group of friends embark on a quest for mythical treasure. But they are not alone in their quest for fame and fortune. A harmless search quickly turns into a dangerous scavenger hunt that not everyone will survive unscathed.

In the search for the treasure, the Netflix series focuses on two groups that can hardly be more different. And yet they have a common goal. Because of this, the Pogues and the Kooks fight each other. But who are they anyway?

Who are the Pogues?

The Pogues are less privileged members of the working class in “Outer Banks”. They come from rather poor backgrounds and have to work hard for every possession. Many of the Pogues work multiple jobs to somehow keep themselves and their families afloat. Still, they enjoy their lives and would rather have fun than feel sorry for themselves.

The term Pogues, as we learn through the series, comes from a species of fish that is at the bottom of the food chain.

Who are the Kooks?

The Kooks, on the other hand, belong to the privileged upper class. Whoever has money and power is called a Kook. Outside of the series, the term is mainly used by people who don’t want to adapt to society and like to see themselves as different and better. In “Outer Banks” Kooks are the ones who stand out from the rest of society because of their high status.

Due to the large differences between the hard-working Pogues and the well-off Kooks, there is tension between the groups that we also feel in “Outer Banks”. In the series, the Pogue John B and the Kook Ward Cameron are particularly hostile to each other. This rivalry makes the search for the pot of gold particularly dangerous for both parties.

The third season “Outer Banks” starts on February 23, 2023 on Netflix. But the adventure of the Pogues and Kooks does not end there, because the streaming service has already extended the series for a fourth season.

Rate Outer Banks
genreDrama, Action & Adventure, Kids
first airing


First broadcast in Germany


home pagenetflix.com
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