Outside the United States, the Apple Vision Pro is already selling for a high price

Stéphane Ficca

Hardware & gaming specialist

February 14, 2024 at 4:32 p.m.


Apple Vision Pro, already on reseller sites?  © Ringo Chiu / Shutterstock.com

Apple Vision Pro, already on reseller sites? © Ringo Chiu / Shutterstock.com

Apple’s Vision Pro has been officially available since February 2. For now, this “ space computer » is only available in the United States, and some take advantage of the opportunity to resell their copy abroad at a high price.

Officially, the Apple Vision Pro headset is priced at $3,499. Obviously, the demand for Apple’s new toy is such that speculators are rushing to resell the Vision Pro on other markets. Some copies are priced at over $6,000!

The price of Vision Pro explodes abroad

In reality, the resale of the Vision Pro began at the end of January, during pre-orders for this new space computer. Some buyers then offered their copy for pre-order on eBay, at prices exceeding $10,000.

Apple Vision Pro
To discover
Apple Vision Pro

Apr 4, 2023 at 01:02


Now available, the Vision Pro is obviously catching the eye of many high-tech fans. Also, on certain marketplaces in Japan, the Apple product is priced at $5,400, and more than $5,000 in China. Even worse on the Singapore side, with copies at $6,300.

The Vision Pro helmet has been available since February 2 © Ringo Chiu / Shutterstock

The Vision Pro helmet has been available since February 2 © Ringo Chiu / Shutterstock

Towards more than 350,000 units sold in 2024?

For the moment, the Vision Pro helmet is only available in the United States, but due to its innovative nature, it requires a demonstration of approximately 30 minutes in store before purchasing the precious object.

According to some experts, Apple’s virtual reality headset could sell more than 350,000 copies as early as 2024. Apple has not communicated any date of availability of the Vision Pro outside the United States.

According to Bryan Ma, from IDC: “ Beyond Apple fans, foreign software developers as well as industry players and rivals will want to quickly gain hands-on experience to improve the quality of their products “.

Remember that according to various experts, the Vision Pro should reach its “ ideal form » in four generations. By ” ideal form », understand a Vision Pro which allows both daily and intensive use.

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What is the best VR headset? Virtual reality is always a delicate subject to understand and technical developments can change things very quickly. Between “classic” virtual reality headsets, standalone models, those intended for smartphones and mixed reality products, it is sometimes difficult to navigate… and choose. Find our selection of the best models of the moment.
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Source : Bloomberg

Apple Vision Pro

Apple Vision Pro

VR headset

release date: 02-02-2024

See the product sheet

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