Over 1,000 euros – fraudster took notes from 89-year-old’s wallet

Many fraudsters have long since delved into the digital expanses of the Internet with their criminal energy, but there are also analogue criminals. One struck on Wednesday in Carinthia.

The perpetrator lay in wait for his potential victims in front of a financial institution in Feldkirchen. When an 89-year-old stepped outside, he was approached by the fraudster. “The unknown person asked for change,” reports the police. “With the victim’s consent, he took coins from his wallet.” But when “changing” the cheeky con artist pulled several banknotes out of the elderly gentleman’s wallet. “The notes had a total value of more than 1,000 euros,” said the police. “The victim only noticed the theft hours later.” The 89-year-old’s only option was to go to the police to file a report. The investigation is ongoing.
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