Over 40s and single: 5 characteristics that your future partner should have

Over 40 and single
5 qualities your future partner should have

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At the age of 20 you are still inexperienced when it comes to choosing a partner. At 40, however, most would prefer a long-term partnership than test themselves through the men's world. You can tell from these 5 qualities that he is ready for it.

by Linda Berger

1. He knows himself

At over 40, most men have come to terms with themselves, know themselves and know where they stand in life and what they are good at and what they are not good at. Having mistakes and weaknesses and also admitting to oneself does just as little harm as one's own aspiration to develop further in order to become an (even) better person. Self-critical men before: After all, we want to have the best version of you we can get, and not smug fools.

2. He is also happy with himself alone

Living with mom in her mid-40s is just so incredibly unsexy. Implicit at the same time: He can't manage his life on his own. Better hands off. Men who lived alone for a while and were completely satisfied, on the other hand, have learned to take responsibility for themselves and their own happiness. Otherwise it can backfire and lead to emotional dependence or control behavior.

3. He's been in long relationships

Why is that a good thing? Perseverance, ladies! So if you are looking for someone who does not run away at the first crisis, but understands how long relationships work, then the relationship experience of the potential candidate is an indicator that should not be underestimated that it could work with him.

4. He has his own friends

Just because you're now a couple doesn't necessarily mean you have to merge into one person. Those who only do everything together and no longer differ from one another make themselves more dependent, not only in crisis situations, than someone with their own friends. But if everyone can lead a full life for themselves, the relationship will benefit too.

5. He's talking about sex!

Having a real grenade like that in bed is great, of course. But it is even more important to be able to talk to someone else about wishes and needs. Open communication about sex also creates intimacy and trust. Well then: Let's talk about SEX!