Overwatch 2: Finally the return of a character as much appreciated as hated?

After nine days away from the game with no news, Overwatch 2 Sales Manager Jon Spector announced on Twitter that Bastion would finally return to Overwatch 2 next week.

More than 15 days of absence

On October 10, after players discovered nasty tricks to get infinite abilities, Bastion has been completely removed from the game. The dwarf warrior and turret lover, Torbjorn, has also been removed, but only from competitive mode.

Blizzard said the characters were taking a “quick ride” to the Garage for some fixes. 10 days later…they’re not back yet. But at least we know when they’ll be back.

“Good news, everyone. Bastion and Torbjorn have been located in Junkertown, and we’re getting them to join the other Overwatch Agents October 25.” says Spector.

Blizzard has confirmed that departed characters are set to return to the game on October 25. alongside the Junkertown map, which was also recently disabled due to graphics performance issues. Their return coincides with the game’s next scheduled update.

Players relieved

It seems the community misses Bastion a lot. Indeed, while waiting for the return of the beloved robot, members of the fan community had fun paying tribute to the missing hero, but the majority are (once again) angry at Blizzard for leaving them in the shadows. and without news of their favorite characters for so long.

A player and reddit user even wrote to him a song: “Come Home Bastion”. A disturbing tribute. Come back to us quickly, Bastion.

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