Pain can occur all over the body for various reasons. Homeopathic remedies offer a side effect-free way to reduce or eliminate pain and are often a good addition to other pain therapies.
To get rid of pain, those affected mainly use pain medication. In addition, many pain patients wish to treat the symptoms more gently. Homeopathy has various means available for this.
Overview of article content:
What is pain?
Pain is what the person feels and this feeling is perceived very subjectively. In any case, pain has a very important warning function and is intended to protect the body from harmful or dangerous influences. The extent of suffering depends on complex relationships that are determined by physical, psychological and social factors.
Pain can appear suddenly or develop slowly, it can persist for a short time or for a long time. They can range from mild discomfort to excruciating pain and offer an unmanageable range of pain descriptions. Pain is caused by injuries, inflammation, overloading, tissue damage or mental reasons and often indicates illnesses.
Pain is perceived as different as all pain conditions, so that those affected want to become pain-free again as quickly as possible. In Germany, an estimated 150 million packs of various pain relievers are sold annually. It can be assumed that around 70 percent of these are used without a prescription, in many cases without a doctor's recommendation or in addition to the prescribed pain therapy.
Given the risk of becoming dependent on painkillers, but also because of possible side effects of prescription and over-the-counter pain medications, many people are looking for alternatives to become pain-free.
Homeopathic pain treatment
Homeopathic remedies are ideal for treating pain, as they have no side effects, in many cases have very good effects and can be combined with other medicines.
In order to be able to develop their individual effect in the person affected, self-administered homeopathic pain treatments should be reserved for acute pain conditions. After all, the selection of the drug based on characteristic symptoms is easier here.
For chronic pain or pain that is part of a complex clinical picture, treatment should be carried out by a homeopath.
Homeopathic pain reliever
For the right remedy, all aspects must be determined that describe the pain of the person concerned. The following questions should be answered if possible:
Where are the pains felt? For headaches, for example, the following locations can be differentiated: brain, back of the head, bones, bone sutures, crown, temple, forehead.
What does the pain feel like? Typical pain sensations that can be used to distinguish are, for example: bursting, drilling, burning, pressing, hammering, pinching, cramping, pulsating, shooting, stinging, digging, pulling.
When did the pain start? For example, is there a temporal connection to a specific event or does pain always occur at the same time of day? Women are often linked to menstruation.
What caused the pain? There are countless potential triggers for pain. Give special information: mechanical causes such as a shock or fall, infections, psychological triggers (such as stress, grief or anger), climate or weather changes, certain foods and luxury foods.
Which situations or actions improve or worsen the pain? Here, for example, the following circumstances may indicate the right remedy: weather conditions, temperature changes (including cold or warm applications), fresh air, body position (sitting, lying, standing), sensory impressions (smells, noises, light).
Are there any complaints or changes that occurred at the same time as the pain?
Which homeopathic remedies can be used for pain?
Decide on the medicine with which the main characteristics best match your own feelings and their striking symptoms. The following list contains a selection of remedies that are often used for homeopathic pain treatment:
Apis mellifica: The diseased area is hot, red and swollen. The right side of the body is affected more often. Touch and heat are uncomfortable and cold is good.
Arnica: Each pad is too hard and you cannot lie on it. Those affected do not like touching the painful area. Arnica is the best remedy after bruising such as sprains or bruises.
Arsenicum album: The pain scares the person concerned and often begins at night. Those affected look lapsed, pale, limp and are very sensitive to the cold – often in connection with vomiting diarrhea.
Belladonna: Proven especially for sudden, violent pain. Belladonna is particularly suitable for cramping abdominal pain. The symptoms are mostly on the right side of the body. Every movement or vibration aggravates the pain.
Bryonia: Every disturbance or the slightest movement aggravates the pain. Firm pressure improves the symptoms and those affected have a great thirst for cold water.
Chamomilla: Proven especially for ear, tooth and abdominal pain. Those affected are extremely sensitive to pain and can hardly bear the pain.
Colocynthis: Colocynthis is often the right remedy when pressure, curvature and warmth improve the pain.
Hypericum: Hypericum is a proven remedy for nerve and stab injuries. The pain comes suddenly and shoots the nerve. Cold, fog and cold air make the pain worse.
Ledum: The homeopathic medicine is used for rheumatic pain. Inflamed areas are cold, pale, and swollen. Joint complaints move from bottom to top through the body. Cold and cold water reduce the pain.
Natrum muriaticum: Proven remedy for headache from grief. Sun worsens the discomfort and staying in cool air improves the pain.
Rhus toxicodendron: The pain forces those affected to move, as the complaints get better. Proven for rheumatism and diseases caused by cold. After sweating or taking a warm bath, the pain improves.
How do you use homeopathic pain relievers?
Treating pain with homeopathic medicines is possible in people of all ages, as well as in pregnancy and lactation. Without a medical examination, however, only pain should be treated in which a serious illness can be excluded as the cause.
Homeopathic pain relievers can be used in a variety of ways. According to the rules of classic homeopathy, single remedies are used, which are available in the form of globules, tablets, drops, sprays or ointments. Various homeopathic complex remedies are offered that are tailored to certain pain conditions, such as musculoskeletal pain or indigestion.
In acute pain, low potencies (D4, D6, C6, D12, C12) can be used repeatedly. In the case of severe symptoms, a half-hour intake or use until pain relief is easily possible. Homeopathic medicines in potencies higher than C30 should not be used permanently.
Homeopathic treatment can be stopped if there is no clearly noticeable improvement over a longer period of time. Pain that persists unchanged for more than a day under homeopathic treatment, or even worsens, should be examined by a doctor.
In the case of chronic pain, or if the pain occurs as part of a serious illness, it is advisable to seek the help of a homeopath. In such cases, higher potencies or several remedies in succession are often necessary to get rid of the pain permanently.