Paint on fake freckles: With these 3 methods they become completely natural

Fake freckles
3 ways to do freckles that look super natural


We love freckles at any time of the year. Stupid if you don’t have one. But that can be changed very quickly with these three make-up tips.

“Your freckles look so great!” – is this sentence one of those that you have never heard before? Then we will change that now! Anyone who wants to put on fake freckles is usually faced with a problem: How do I get the whole thing done without it looking painted on? Good question. We have the answer.

The classic: freckles with a pencil

Probably the easiest way to get freckles on your face in minutes is to draw them on. And that works best with one freckle pen. These pencils are specially made to paint freckles on the face and therefore do not have as high an opacity as, for example, eyebrow pencils.

Important here: After painting, tap the painted freckles directly into the skin with your finger so that the color does not stand out too much. Alternatively, you can first paint the freckles on your finger and then tap them over your face – this method takes a little longer, however, as the paint absorbs quickly on the finger.

Our tip: If you want to keep your freckles for a particularly long time, you can now even use freckle pens with self-tanner – from utan, for example. The pen works like other pens, but the freckles should last about two days. Practically!

For the brave: fake freckles with root spray

No, this is not a joke! With a color spray for the roots (for example the L’Oréal Paris “Magic Retouch Instant Concealing Spray” in the color dark brown to black-brown) you can conjure up ultimate fake freckles. As? It’s all a question of technology. You shouldn’t press the spray head all the way through, but only lightly press on the edge. There is a hissing sound and very little paint comes out of the spray head in the form of a drizzle. That’s what you dust your face with. Alternatively, you can also hold a piece of tulle in front of your face or put it on top of it – this will make the freckles look very natural in the end.

Our tip: Better put a towel around your neck so that nothing gets on your clothes. Move the spray slowly over your nose, cheeks and forehead – then you’ll have a few fake freckles everywhere. It really couldn’t be easier.

For those who like to experiment: Let powder rain

Number three is probably the most elaborate of our favorite ways to apply fake freckles. Before you start with the actual freckles, spray your face with them setting spray (or a thermal water spray) so that your nose, cheeks and forehead in particular get a good portion of it.

Grab a matte brown powder, like a bronzer, eyeshadow, or brow powder. Scratch off the surface a little – by the way, this works perfectly with tweezers or an eyebrow brush.

With a flat, tightly bound brush you can now pick up some of the powder. Hold the tip of the brush about four inches above your face, look up slightly, and gently tap the brush with your fingers. In this way, different amounts of the powder fall onto the skin.

Now comes the tricky part: Use a brush to lightly press the powder into your skin while brushing away any excess. This reduces the opacity of the brown powder and the fake freckles look soft and completely natural.

Now all you have to do is decide on one method for your perfect freckle look.

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